Stepping Stones in all Colors, Shapes, & Sizes to Fit Your Look

When looking to enhance your outdoor living spaces and gardens, it’s easy to focus on the plants and forget about additional features. One area that can benefit from just a little bit of work is your pathways. Adding natural-looking stepping stones to your garden or paths can bring new life to an already beautiful location. So, if you’re ready to add a natural flair to your outdoor spaces, you need Big Rock Garden in Waimanalo, HI. We carry a variety of styles, colors, and sizes sure to fit any design, whether it’s your residential garden or a commercial outdoor guest space. To start the process or speak with one of our friendly staff members about our stepping stones, please call (808) 836-8922.

Beautifully Hand-Crafted Stepping Stones

To ensure our products are always available, we have partnered with a local fabricator to supply our entire line of stepping stones. Each stone is handmade and created with fiber-reinforced concrete to create a strong and durable product. We offer stepping stones that look like moss rock, lava, and ocean reef coral.

Leave Your Mark with Stone Designs

Many cultures have had their own versions of stone carvings throughout the years. The Ancient Hawaiians called their rendition of stone artwork k'i’i pohaku, or images in stone. These images give us a glimpse into the past and can be found scattered throughout the islands. To honor these our history and these markings, we have created products incorporating design elements from these ancient drawings.

Are you looking for the perfect stepping stones to accompany your designs? Call (808) 834-762 to speak with one of our staff members to see what’s in stock.

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